Monday 13 September 2010

Glamourising the pre fab building....

First day back at work with only a Diet Coke for company in my Pat Butcher style prefab taxi rank esque building. Lush. So I thought I would bring some glamour by opening my glam blog and adding a Rocky Road recipe and some discount info :)

Ridiculously Easy Rocky Road

1 bar (150g)  Green and Blacks dark cooks chocolate
1 packet  (225g) Digestive biscuits/ Hobnobs
2 tbsp of Golden Syrup
5oz Butter
2 mini fudge bars
1 tub of glace cherries
3 flump marshmallow bars

Equipment: baking tray/ cake tin , pyrex bowl, saucepan , rolling pin, wooden spoon, mixing bowl, sandwich bag, grease proof paper.

Step 1: Crush your digestives/  hobnobs with the rolling pin till crumbly (this can be done in a sandwich bag to save a digestive explosion).

Step 2 : Melt chocolate, butter, syrup in a pyrex bowl over a saucepan of boiling water.

Step 3: Chop up your flump marshmallow bars, fudge, cherries into 1cm pieces (halve cherries).

Step 4: Pour all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir so all is well covered.

Step 5: Line baking tray with grease proof paper and then pour in your mixture. Flatten mixture out to a depth of 3 /4 cms.

Step 6: Place tray in the fridge for 1.5 hours or 45 minutes in the freezer.

Other bits you could add: white chocolate, smarties, m&ms, jelly babies, banana pieces....

News Flash!!! Fashion Update....

Buy Glamour October Issue 20% discount at Oasis, Jaeger,Mango......

1 comment:

  1. And I can confirm that these were the most divine rocky road bars ever tasted. Usually they are too sweet and not at all chocolatety enough!

    So I urge you all out there. Make loads and make them now!
